Are dachshunds easy to train? That’s a question that many potential owners of this breed ask themselves. The answer is a resounding yes! 

Dachshunds can learn basic commands and behaviors, but it’s important to remember that each dachshund is an individual and may require different approaches to training.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss the basics of training a dachshund and provide some tips on how to make the process easier. 

We’ll also cover the most appropriate methods for training a dachshund so that you can ensure your puppy grows up to be a well-mannered, obedient companion. So without further ado, let’s get started!

Are Dachshunds Easy to Train

The short answer is yes; dachshunds are easy to train. This breed is brilliant and eager to please, which makes them a joy to work with when it comes to training. Dachshunds are also quite playful and curious, so they quickly follow commands. 

However, it’s important to remember that each dachshund is an individual and will respond differently to training. Some may pick up commands quickly, while others may take more time and patience. 

Additionally, some dachshunds may be more stubborn than others, so you may need to adjust your training methods accordingly.

You must remain patient and positive during training so your dachshund can learn quickly and effectively. It’s also important to note that dachshunds are very sensitive to their owner’s emotions. 

If you become frustrated or impatient during training, your dachshund may become overwhelmed and shut down.

Training Basics for Dachshunds

When training your dachshund, the most important thing is to remain consistent. It’s best to establish a routine for training and stick to it so that your dachshund knows what to expect.

You can use treats, praises, or other rewards to reinforce desired behaviors. When it comes to commands, it’s essential to use the exact words and commands each time. Additionally, rewarding your dachshund when they do something correctly is necessary.

It’s also important to be consistent with corrections. If your dachshund does something wrong, providing discipline consistent with the behavior is crucial. Ensuring the correction is firm but not overly harsh is also essential.

Finally, it’s important to remember that training a dachshund is a process. It’s essential to be patient and understand that your dachshund may take some time to learn. It’s also important to remember that dachshunds have their personalities, so it’s essential to tailor your training to their needs.

Tips for Training a Dachshund

When it comes to training a dachshund, there are a few tips that can make the process easier. 

First, it’s important to keep sessions short and sweet. Dachshunds can become easily overwhelmed and distracted, so keeping sessions short and focused is essential.

Additionally, staying patient and positive throughout the training is essential. Dachshunds are incredibly sensitive to their owners’ emotions, so it’s important to remain patient and encouraging during training.

It’s also important to use rewards to reinforce desired behaviors. You can use treats, praises, or other rewards to motivate your dachshund to learn.

Finally, it’s essential to practice good habits. If you want your dachshund to learn something, it’s vital to practice it regularly. This will help ensure that your dachshund remembers the command or behavior.

Appropriate Training Methods for a Dachshund

When training your dachshund, it’s essential to use the most appropriate methods. 

Positive reinforcement is the most effective way to prepare a dachshund, as it encourages desired behaviors and discourages undesired ones.

You can use treats, praises, or other rewards to reinforce desired behaviors. Using the same rewards each time is vital, so your dachshund knows what to expect. 

Additionally, avoiding punishments is essential, as this can cause your dachshund to become fearful or anxious.

It’s crucial to provide your dachshund with structure, but it’s also important to give them the freedom to explore and learn. It’s also essential to use an appropriate level of consistency. 

Dachshunds need consistency and repetition to learn, but avoid becoming too rigid with your training is critical.

Finally, it’s important to remember that training a dachshund is a process. It’s essential to be patient and understand that your dachshund may take some time to learn. 

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Training a Dachshund

Training a dachshund requires patience, consistency, and lots of positive reinforcement. But it’s also essential to avoid common mistakes that make the process more difficult.

First, it’s essential to recognize that dachshunds are very smart but can also be stubborn. That means you’ll need to be patient and consistent in your training. Don’t be tempted to use physical punishment, as this will make the process more difficult and damage your relationship with your pup.

Second, avoid giving your pup too much freedom too soon. Dachshunds need to learn the rules and boundaries of their home, and giving them too much freedom before they’ve learned these things can be a mistake. Instead, introduce new rules slowly, and reward good behavior with positive reinforcement.

Third, make training sessions shorter. The longer the session, the more likely your pup will get bored or distracted. Dachshunds have short attention spans, so keeping training sessions short and sweet is important.

Fourth, feel free to ask for help. Training a dachshund can be difficult, and it’s perfectly okay to ask for help if you need it. Whether talking to a vet, a dog trainer or even just talking to other dachshund owners, getting help can make the process easier and more successful.

Finally, be patient. Training a dachshund can take time and patience. Don’t expect your pup to learn everything overnight – instead, focus on small successes and remember to celebrate them!

At what age should you start training a dachshund puppy?

The best time to start training a dachshund puppy is when you bring them home. Dachshund puppies can learn basic commands and behaviors from a young age, so it’s essential to start teaching them immediately.

That said, it’s important to remember that puppies are still learning and developing, so you should keep training sessions short and focus on basic commands. You can introduce more complex commands and behaviors as your pup gets older.

Remembering that dachshunds can be very stubborn is essential, so your training must be patient and consistent. Your pup may take some time to learn commands and behaviors, but it will be worth it.

How Do You Potty Train a Dachshund?

Potty training a dachshund can be a challenge, but with the right approach, it’s possible. The key is to be patient and consistent and to reward good behavior with positive reinforcement.

The first step is to create a regular potty schedule for your pup. Take them outside to their potty spot regularly, and reward them with treats and praise when they go to the bathroom outside.

It’s also essential to create a consistent routine. Take your pup outside at the exact times each day, and remember to reward them for good behavior. This will help your puppy learn that going potty outside is the right thing to do.

Finally, it’s essential to clean up accidents quickly and thoroughly. If your pup smells their urine or feces, they may be more likely to go to the same spot again. So be sure to clean up any accidents wholly and quickly.

How Do You Crate Train a Dachshund?

Crate training a dachshund can be a great way to keep your puppy safe and secure. It can also help with potty training, as your puppy will learn to hold its bladder for more extended periods.

When crate training a dachshund, it’s essential to start slowly. Introduce your pup to their crate gradually, and reward them with treats and praise when they go in. 

Make sure the crate is comfortable and secure, and leave them in it for a short time.

It’s also essential to establish a routine. Take your pup to their crate at the exact times each day and give them a treat when they go in. This will help them understand that their crate is safe and secure.

Finally, remember to give your pup time outside their crate. Make sure to take them out for walks and playtime, as this will help keep them from becoming bored and anxious.

Can You Train an Older Dachshund?

Yes, you can train an older dachshund! While it takes more patience and consistency, teaching an older dachshund new behaviors and commands is possible.

The key is to be patient and consistent. Older dachshunds may be more set in their ways, so taking things slow and rewarding good behavior with praise and treats is essential.

It’s also important to be mindful of your dachshund’s physical limitations. An older dachshund may be unable to do more physical commands, such as jumping or running. So it’s essential to adjust the commands and behaviors to fit your pup’s abilities.

Finally, it’s important to remember that older dachshunds may need more training and reinforcement. So be prepared to provide extra time and patience for your pup, and remember to celebrate their successes!


Training a dachshund can be challenging, but it can also be a rewarding experience with the right approach. Be patient and consistent, and reward good behavior with positive reinforcement. 

It’s also vital to avoid common mistakes, such as physical punishment and giving your pup too much freedom too soon.

Overall, the answer to “Are dachshunds easy to train?” is yes – with patience and consistency, you can teach your pup the skills they need to be a well-behaved family member. 

Are you ready to start training your dachshund? If so, contact a professional dog trainer today and start on the path to success!

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