Basenjis are unique dogs that have become increasingly popular in recent years. They are known for their intelligence, independence, and loyalty. 

But beyond these traits, what else makes them stand out? Are Basenjis good family dogs? Are they suitable for apartments? What about around kids or babies?

This article will discuss all the essential aspects of owning a Basenji so you can decide if it is the right breed for your home.

We will cover everything from their personality to health concerns and even some pros and cons of owning one.

At the end of this article, you should know whether or not a Basenji is right for you and your family!

Are Basenjis Good Family Dogs

Yes, Basenjis are good family dogs. They are loyal, protective, and intelligent and make excellent watchdogs. Plus, they don’t shed too much and require minimal grooming. 

So if you’re looking for a furry family companion that will bring loads of love and laughter to your home, then a Basenji could be perfect for you!

Are Basenjis Good Around Kids and Babies?

Yes, Basenjis are generally good around children and babies. They can be particularly significant with older children if trained to read Basenji’s behavior.

This breed is known for being alert and careful with strangers but open and calm with familiar faces.

They also tend to be loving and concerned with children, although they may show less patience with toddlers. Babies, however, are usually treated with puppy-like tolerance by the Basenji.

Are Basenjis Good Apartment Dogs? 

Yes, Basenjis are excellent dogs for apartment living. Their small size and low energy levels make them the perfect companion for busy city-dwellers with little space or time to devote to their pet.

They are also relatively quiet, shedding minimal fur, so they won’t leave your apartment covered in hair. Plus, they are hypoallergenic, so even those with allergies can enjoy a Basenji without worry!

If you’re looking for an intelligent and loyal companion that is easy to care for and won’t drive your neighbors crazy with barking, look no further than the adorable Basenji. They make a great addition to any family, whether you live in an apartment or not.

Basenji Personality

Basenjis are intelligent, independent, and alert dogs that make great companions. They have an inquisitive nature and a strong desire to explore the world around them. Basenjis need plenty of mental stimulation and physical exercise to stay healthy and happy. 

They are loyal, affectionate dogs who form strong bonds with their owners but can be aloof with strangers. This breed is known for its unique vocalization, which sounds like yodeling or baying rather than barking. 

Basenji loves to play games such as fetch, tug-of-war, and hide-and-seek and will often invent their fun too! 

Are Basenjis Good for First-Time Owners

Yes, Basenjis are an excellent breed for first-time owners. They are known to be affectionate and friendly towards their family members, although they can be shy around new people until they get to know them better. 

Basenjis also tend to have an independent character which means that when out on walks, they will explore the area on their own.

Basenji Health Issues

Basenji dogs are generally healthy but can be prone to specific health conditions.

Common Basenji health issues include progressive retinal atrophy (PRA), Fanconi syndrome, immunoproliferative small intestinal disease (IPSID), hip dysplasia, patellar luxation, and hypothyroidism.

 While these conditions may sound intimidating at first glance, it’s important to remember that proper nutrition and regular veterinary checkups can help keep your Basenji happy and healthy for many years.

Basenji Pros and Cons

Before adopting a Basenji into your family, there are pros and cons.

Basenjis Pros

Highly Intelligent & Easy To Train

Basenjis are known for being brilliant dogs, making them relatively easy to train compared to other breeds. While some Basenjis may be more stubborn during training sessions, this breed tends to pick up commands quickly and respond well using positive reinforcement techniques such as treats or praise. 

Furthermore, having an intelligent dog means you will have less trouble teaching them new tricks or commands throughout their lifetime!

Low Maintenance Grooming Requirements

One advantage of owning a Basenji is its very low maintenance grooming needs. 

This breed is considered a “wash and wear” dog, requiring minimal brushing and bathing compared to other breeds. They have short fur, which rarely needs trimming or clipping. 

Furthermore, Basenjis do not produce the same dander as other breeds, making them an ideal choice for those with allergies. 

These low-maintenance grooming needs make them a perfect breed for those who don’t have the time or energy to dedicate themselves to extensive grooming routines.

High Energy Level

Basenjis are known for having a high energy level, which can be both a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, they are great for active owners as they will always be energized and can keep up with your busy lifestyle. 

However, this same trait means that these dogs need a lot of exercise and mental stimulation to stay happy and healthy throughout their lifetime. 

Reliable and Loving

Basenjis are incredibly loyal and loving to their family members. This dog forms strong bonds with its owners and loves to be around them as much as possible, making them great for those looking for a close companion. 

They will happily cuddle up near you or follow you around the house, providing you with plenty of love and affection. Furthermore, Basenjis are quieter than other breeds, rarely barking or making noise. 

This makes them ideal for owners looking for a loyal and loving companion who won’t be too noisy!

Relatively quiet compared to other breeds, rarely barking

Basenjis are relatively quiet compared to other breeds, rarely barking. This makes them ideal for those living in apartments or small spaces where noise is a consideration. 

Furthermore, their tendency to bark fewer means that you don’t have to worry about your Basenji disturbing the neighbors if they happen to be left alone too often.

Basenjis Cons

Basenjis can be stubborn when training, so potential owners should be prepared to put in the extra effort required to get them accustomed to commands or behaviors.

 Additionally, they may require more treats than other breeds during training sessions due to their independent nature. Patience is critical here, as consistency is the best approach when teaching new things.

Basenjis need plenty of attention from their owners, or they may become destructive out of boredom. This means that those who own a Basenji must provide ample playtime and mental stimulation daily to remain content and happy with life at home.

Basenjis are prone to separation anxiety if left alone too often or for extended periods. This can manifest through excessive barking or destructive behavior, such as chewing on furniture or other household items.

Basenjis tend to have a higher prey drive than most breeds, which means they may not get along well with other animals at home or in the neighborhood. 

Therefore, potential owners should consider this before bringing one into their home if additional pets are present.

Basenjis are a wonderful breed of dog that can make a great addition to any family. 

However, potential owners should weigh the pros and cons before deciding if this is the right breed.

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