Dachshunds were originally bred to be good hunters. They were meant to be fierce and effective. Even though they are small, these dogs are very determined and want to hunt.

Dachshunds are popular dogs because they are good at running and finding things, just like hunting dogs. People who like outdoor activities with their dogs often choose dachshunds because they make good companions.

This article will explore what exactly makes dachshunds such excellent hunting companions, from the type of prey they can track down to how best you can train them for success in the field.

We’ll also look at tips on keeping your Dachshund safe while enjoying the great outdoors with you.

Are Dachshunds Good Hunting Dogs, and Are They Still Used as Hunting Dogs?

Yes, dachshunds are good hunting dogs and still make excellent companions today, thanks to their strong prey drive. These short legs make them ideal for burrowing after small animals in tight spaces; they have incredible speed and agility for such a small breed and a keen sense of smell that helps them easily detect target games.

Their devoted, intelligent, and brave hounds have been the preferred dog of royalty due to their elegant build. Today, they excel at games, including rabbits, hares, foxes, and wild boars!

Dachshund Origin

The Dachshund originated in Germany. They have intelligence and tenacity in tracking prey to hunt small game, including badgers, rabbits, and foxes. They are also known for their courage in hunting large animals, such as wild boars.

Nowadays, Dachshunds are primarily kept as beloved companion pets and are known for their unique body shape, which can make them look like a hotdog on their legs!

Do Dachshunds Have a High Prey Drive?

Yes, Dachshunds have a very high prey drive because they are skilled hunters. Their characteristics make them successful hunters- like their sharp sense of smell and tenaciousness- are still very much alive. But be careful – once they get those noses working and those short legs running, it will take some real effort to keep them from chasing after their next prey!

Dachshund Physical Characteristics That Make Them Suitable for Hunting

Dachshunds’ physical characteristics make them excellent hunters, even today.

One of the essential traits for hunting is their sense of smell, which is far better than that of humans. Dachshunds have an incredible ability to pick up on scents and can even track animals over long distances.

It’s essential to provide your Dachshund with regular sense training. This will help hone their remarkable tracking abilities and ensure they are always ready for a hunt.

No one will mistake a Dachshund’s bark for anything else – it has a distinctive yodeling quality that is loud and unmistakable. It’s essential to make sure that your Dachshund knows basic obedience commands so that you can control their barking when necessary.

Dachshunds also have long claws, which they use to dig out prey animals from their burrows. 

What Do Standard Dachshunds Hunt?

Dachshunds have a unique body shape that is perfect for hunting badgers, though – You should supervise your Dachshund while hunting, as badgers aren’t exactly known for being friendly! Their natural agility and determination make them the perfect badger-hunting canine, but they also need an experienced handler to stay safe.

What Do Miniature Dachshunds Hunt?

Miniature dachshunds can hunt badgers and other burrowing animals. These small but powerful dogs have an incredible sense of smell, allowing them to track down their prey in even the most hidden locations. Some miniature dachshunds are trained to hunt foxes and rabbits, proving that even a “big” game isn’t out of reach for these small hunters!

How to Train a Dachshund to Hunt?

1. Start by teaching basic commands, such as sit and stay, so your Dachshund can follow instructions easily during a hunt.

2. Introduce the dog to other animals that are classic game for hunting, such as rabbits or quail, in a non-threatening way until they become comfortable in the presence of these animals.

3. Take the dog on regular training walks outdoors, allowing them to get familiar with the scents of different prey species and learn their behavioral patterns so they can identify them later when hunting.

4. Familiarize your pup with essential hunting tools like leashes or slip leads and whistles for signaling purposes; practice using these tools before taking them out into an actual hunt environment where it would be more challenging to learn how they work while also trying to concentrate on the game itself.

5. Practice retrieving games like fetch and tug-of-war, often used in bird hunting; this will help naturally develop good behaviors such as alertness and focus that will be needed later on when actually out in a hunting environment looking for prey species like birds or rabbits.

6. Take your Dachshund out on hunts, either with you or experienced hunters, to get a better idea of how hunting is and become more comfortable with the activity.

Tips to Keep Your Dachshund Safe While They Are Out Hunting

1. Keep your Dachshund on a leash or confined area when outside, so they cannot run off chasing prey.

2. Check for holes in fences that the dog could potentially squeeze through before letting them out of the yard or house.

3. Monitor your Dachshund’s activity, especially if there are any areas of dense foliage where other small animals may hide, which they can chase down quickly with their long bodies and short legs.

4. Consider using an electronic tracking collar which will send an alert signal to you if it leaves a certain radius that you have established for it to stay within while outside hunting so that you know its exact location at all times while it is outdoors unsupervised.

5. If you’re going on a hunting trip with your Dachshund, bring along food, water, and shelter in case it gets tired or lost.

6. Take regular breaks from hunting so your Dachshund can rest and hydrate properly.

7. Check for any signs of injury or exhaustion in your Dachshund after a hunting session, and always provide plenty of praise for their hard work!

8. Lastly, get your Dachshund spayed or neutered so they won’t become emotional in their pursuit of prey.

Dachshund Nutrition as a Hunting Dog

When choosing a food for your Dachshund, it’s essential to remember their unique heritage as a hunting breed. While they may not be as active as they once were, dachshunds still need nutrients and energy to stay strong and healthy. 

Adult dachshunds should consume at least 22% protein, 18% fat, and high-quality sources of the essential vitamins and minerals they need. Protein should come from various sources, such as chicken, beef, fish, and eggs. 

Fat should be provided by sources like olive oil and salmon oil to ensure your pup gets the healthiest fats available. 

Also, remember to provide them with chelated minerals to help their bodies absorb all the necessary nutrients.


Dachshunds can make excellent hunting dogs with the proper training and nutrition. When preparing a dachshund for hunting, it is crucial to expose them to different prey species, familiarize them with essential tools used in hunting, and practice retrieving games like fetch, which is used in bird hunting. 

Additionally, please keep your safe pet while out on hunts by keeping them leashed or confined when outside and checking for any signs of injury or exhaustion after each session. 

Lastly, provide your pup with high-quality protein sources such as chicken, beef, fish, and eggs, along with healthy fats from sources like olive oil and salmon oil.

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